get your scroll on
You know how you sometimes just need a native anchor scroll with a good old /page#section
You slap a nice scroll-behavior: smooth
rule into your CSS, so users would think you’ve spent a while polishing those
scroll animations, the browser does all the heavy lifting and the person is gracefully courted to their
of choice… And then a header covers the top 10% of said section 😑.
Well have I got a solution for you; and basically free! Alright, you smooth talker, we’re good friends by this point, totally free!
CSS has a helpful scroll-padding-top
property that you can use. Usually you’d apply it to the html
along with the scroll behavior
html {
scroll-behavior: smooth;
scroll-padding-top: 40px;
…but there’s nothing stopping you from applying it to a specific element instead/as well.
Note that for truly accessible styling (much like padding-block), you can use CSS logical start/end directions instead,
for example scroll-padding-block-start
If you click LINK
, you can see that the trivia fact isn’t blocked under the sticky header and nicely in view.